The usual Queens DWI stop involves the NYPD pulling a car over for an alleged traffic violation, or in a large number of cases, for no actual legal reason at all. As soon as the police officer approaches the vehicle and he believes that he smells alcohol on the driver's breath, you are halfway to the jail house. The police officer will then ask the driver if they have been drinking. If the driver admits to drinking he will most certainly be arrested and taken to the precinct for a breathalyzer test.
The most important thing to understand about the breathalyzer machines used in New York City, is that they simply do NOT work. They just spit out a number and the state uses this bogus number to prosecute thousands of innocent people in Queens. For more about the bogus science of these machines, go here. After you have taken or refused a brethalyzer, you will be asked to do physical coordination tests. This will involve touching your nose, balancing on one leg, and walking a line. All of this will be captured on video and this video should be turned over to your defense lawyer as soon as possible. If you have been arrested for DWI in Queens, contact The Law Offices of Michael S. Discioarro, LLC at 917-519-8417 and let us put our experience to work for you.